Sabermetric glossary

2 02 2012

Just in case you read my post about OPEQ and didn’t understand some of the stats I used, here is my own personal “glossary.” All of the following information (and all due credit) goes to Wikipedia as well as, which is a really amazing website. In addition, all the statistics that I use in calculating OPEQ come from Fangraphs and




You can check out my post on OPEQ here, Like always, feedback helps me immensely.

Overall Player Efficiency Quotient… A New Sabermetric?

1 02 2012

Because I use my time wisely, I spent today developing a sabermetric that could possibly rate a player’s effectiveness in a way that is easy to understand. I’d love feedback on whether or not this makes sense. Here goes nothing…


Again, this was just an idea I had and developed today. Feedback would be great! Thanks

Top 10: Reasons why Harry Potter totally sux.

25 07 2011

Ok every1, theres something that i need 2 talk about. Sum of my friends like this Harry Potter crap, and i just dont get it. It’s so gay! I mean come on, a wizard who runs around with some faggy Ginger, what a FAG! Like siriusly, do people actualy like this stuff! LOL! I’ve watched like 3 of thses dumb movies, and i cnat believe there sirius. Since im like a riter and stuff (LOL) i decided i would rite a top 10 reasons why Harry potter is super gay and only fags and stuff like him.

10. He wears glasses. Nerd!

LIKE SIRIUSLY! who wants to watch some 4 eye fag run around and try to beat up bad guys! LOL! Why doesnt Voldtermore or however you spell it just break his glasses LOL!

9. He plays with elfs and gay stuff

IN one of the Harry fag-er movies i watched he was sitting on his bed and he was talking to some gay elve thing named Dobie or something gay and it was really dumb and gay . Like, why dont they at least try to make it a little relistic or somthing, because elfs and stuff dont just show up in ppls bedrooms!!!!!

8. It’s a total ripoff of LOTR lol.

Did Jk rolling just like watch Lord of the Rings and say hey i could make a super lame book based off of these amazing movies? Cuz thats what it looks like LOL!!! 2 bad Lord of the rings wasnt a book and is a movie, becuz i would totally read it. Unless it was 2 long or something like that LOL.

7. It’s satanic! Duh!

I’m a christian, and everyone at my church says that Harry potter is really bad and should be burned and the only time a christian should even touch it is if there going to burn it lol. I havnt readed the books, but every1 says that it teaches kids to practice wiccan and that is just not cool at all. every1 should be a christian and not read harry potter or at least be a muslim or a jew and not follow some stupid satin harry potter religon lol.

6. Voldtermore isnt even that evel

Ok why is it that every1 in harry potter land wont say voldtermorts name but he couldnt even kill a baby LOL!!! if he’s suposed to be like a dark lord of something, than why didnt he just throw the stupid baby out of the window and save us all the time and money wasted on the supid wizard! lolz. roflcopter.

4. It’s British

Ok. if there’s one thing i hate more than harry potter it haz to be when stupid british riters make all kinds of money doing stupid stuff like harry potter and a tail of 2 citys. like, no british book has ever even been good. why cant british riters learn to rite good stuff like a fairwell to arms. that was a fiction book but it was american and wasnt sum stupid gay dumb harry potter!!!

4. JK Rolling isn’t even a good riter

where did she go to writing colege? thats what i want to know. like did any1 ever tell her that no one cares about some stupid wizard gay faggot? maybe she should write a real book like twilight or something. twilight is ficiton and is like harry potter but at least the charactors are cool and not gingers and arent ugly! steffinie meyer FTW!

3. He’s gay

This one goes without saying lol! for all intensive purposes he is just a homo and him and ron weazley are gay together! maybe him and malfoy should just hook up now and get it over with! This is just a nother example of why harry potter is bad for kids because it teaches kids to be gay which is against the bible and against god.

2. They make a nue movie like every other month!

this 1 really bugs me because its like jk rolling and the movie ppl only cares about money! theres more important things then money ya know!!!!!! like religin and real life stuff like sports and work. maybe if they focused on this stuff and not making crappy movies than the world would be a better place lol because there wouldnt be a harry potter and then they’d be focusing on more important stuff.


LOL WHO READS REALLY! PPL ONLY READ IN SCHOOL BECAUSE ITS GAY AND FOR NERDZ AND PPL WHO CANT EVEN GET A DATE LOL! GO AHEAD AND READ YOUr books because im gonna go out and half a lIFE LOL! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND FOR LIKE 2 MONTHS AND I DIDNT GET IT READING DUMB GAY BOOKS! As soon as ppl realise that books are dumb, and harry potter is gay, there will be less lame ppl and more of the kind of ppl i want to hang out with lol!!!!


One hour exposès: The real Craigslist

21 07 2011

What follows is the result of spending one hour and thirty-five minutes on Craigslist. I swear to God all of this is real and copied word for word from Craigslist. I have nothing to gain by making any of this up. Viewer discretion is advised… You have been warned.


Looking to unload in you- I just wanna meet up fill ya up and disappear. I have a gf so lets be discreet. Put fill me up as the email subject and send a pic please. If ya want leave your number so I can get hold of ya too

Chatty Unusual Gal with no pants on crossing Moravia Rd yesterday- You: 30-ish woman with nothing on but long shirt with your ass out, crossing Moravia Rd at Moravia Park Dr., with a weave weft of curly blond hair pinned to the back of your hair, making a face like you were getting away with murder, with your ass out, maybe enjoying drugs?

Us: Horny hippy metalhead couple (long curly red hair, long curly grey hair) sitting in a beautiful 1999 green Subaru Impreza, on the way to the VFW in Rosedale to sing Karaoke with Mom and Dad and eat funnel cakes
Did we share something real?





Free clean dirt- I have approximately a 20’Lx14’Wx4’H of CLEAN DIRT FOR FREE. You pick up and haul. CALL ***-***-**** ASK FOR MIKE

Lookin for the Fat and or Desperate- Hi, my name is ***** 29 6’4″ black male. Ima nice guy with passion and frustration built up. Im open minded, down to earth and horny lol. Im clean, safe and a little freaky. Im looking for a woman for Adult Fun, Sex. No games or BS. Put “Horny” in the subject so i know you are real. Im at home bored so the sooner the better.

Sat next to you in the Harry Potter movie..- I sat next to you in the new Deathly Hallows movie.. You were looking mighty sexy. We shared the second row together, it was like everyone else in the theatre knew that was our row and didn’t want to sit there.. I wanted so bad to get a tub of popcorn and cut a hole in the bottom..

What you just read were only a few of the disturbing things I found on Craigslist, most of which were far too vulgar to post on my blog, which is saying something considering the ones I did post. I can firmly say that some of the things I read in the “casual encounters” section were far beyond disturbing, and borderline traumatizing. Don’t believe me? Check it out on your own, but preferably not in front of polite company. All I can say from this is that I learned one important fact: if you’re a woman jogging, every guy you pass wants to have sex with you. Inversely, if you’re a man with a six pack which you generally expose, finding a date for the evening shouldn’t be much of a problem. Oh the human mind… It’s a sick thing, and Craigslist confirms it.

Photos of the day: Sam Shields’ new ink, a look at some other athlete “masterpieces”

20 07 2011

It seems as though a lockout does crazy things to the human psyche…


Apparently the ongoing NFL lockout isn’t stopping all of the Green Bay Packers from getting their championship rings. Sam Shields, Green Bay cornerback is now sporting a reminder of the Packers 2011 championship; a reminder of the permanent variety. Now i’m no fan of tattoos (especially this one) but they are steadily becoming a party of the culture that surrounds professional sports. In today’s day and age, one would be hard pressed to go to a sporting event and not see some ink on the arm of an athlete. I’m not anti-tattoo, but this one seems a little over the top, especially considering the fact that if Shields ever regresses to… let’s say less than football shape, that “G” is going to look like a blob the size of Green Bay.

What do you think of Shields’ new ink? Leave me a comment, and while you’re at it, check out these other athletes that sport outlandish and bizarre tattoos.


(From left: Dennis Rodman, Chris “Birdman” Andersen, Mike Tyson)

Satire Saturday: Pittsburgh Pirates face child labor lawsuit.

16 07 2011

Despite entering the All Star break with their best record in recent memory, the Pittsburgh Pirates may find their stellar 2011 season in jeopardy. Due to the recent discovery of birth certificates and other legal documents, the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball club has been accused of employing several minors illegally.

“We were simply doing some mandatory background checks, standard stuff really, when we came across something very curious.” said MLB documentation specialist Chaz Sheffield. “While I was going over the birth certificates of several players under contract, I found that an alarming number of Pirates were under the age of 16.” Sheffield continued.

The players in question, pitcher Paul Maholm and outfielder Alex Presley, were proven to be well under the age of 16, which therefore not only breached the terms of their contracts, but also put Pittsburgh in violation of Pennsylvania’s strict child labor laws. In Pennsylvania, children under the age of 18 are permitted to work, but only with the proper paperwork, which is distributed by the minor’s respective school district.


Alex Presley (left) and Paul Maholm, the accused underage players.

“It wasn’t hard to see that they [The Pirates] were both trying to take a shortcut in their player development and blatantly disregarding the law. It’s a shame, but it happens far more often than you might think.” Sheffield added.

Not only was the necessary documentation non-existant, but both players were in violation of the MLB’s age requirement of 18, further breaching their respective contracts. This is the first major age violation scandal in the MLB since the infamous “Julio Franco affair” of 2008, in which Franco was publicly revealed as being 89 years old, and subsequently euthanized at the executive order of MLB commissioner Bud Selig.

No charges have yet been filed against the Pirates, but Maholm and Presley have both been removed from the 40 man roster. In related moves, the Pirates have promoted former first baseman Sid Bream as well as pitcher Ian Snell to fill in the empty spots in the roster.

Pittsburgh Pirates’ manager Clint Hurdle refused comment on behalf of Maholm and Presley, citing that they were unable to provide a statement as it was time for their afternoon nap.

The ten (previously) unwritten rules of Facebook

13 07 2011

In this day and age, just about everyone is on some form of a social networking site. With the brutal, public death of Myspace and the underuse of Twitter (at least in my area), Facebook stands tall as the king of social media. All thanks to Mark Zuckerburg, I now have the distinct privilege of knowing the exactly what everyone I know is doing, as they are doing it. Though Facebook can be a great way to get together with friends, there are several ways that people can ruin it for everyone else… or at least ruin it for all of their “friends”. It is because of this that I am proud to present the ten unwritten rules of Facebook. If everyone would just take these ten suggestions to heart, Facebook would be a much happier place for us all. Without any further delay, let’s begin.

Number 10: Take the term “friend” very lightly

Sure, the point of a social network is to be, well, social, but being friends with someone online and friends in the real world are two different things. I know people that have upwards of 1000 Facebook friends, but have never even met or talked to many of them. Personally, I have 35 Facebook friends at the moment, and I’ve had Facebook for around three years (other than a two month hiatus… long story…). It’s not that I people won’t add me or anything, it’s simply the fact that after I graduated high school, I decided I was going to go through my friends list and delete everyone that I felt as though I wouldn’t talk to on the internet. In the end, I went from several hundred all the way down to 35. I still keep in touch with many of the people I “unfriended” in real life, but they weren’t exactly essential to my Facebook experience. All in all, just remember, a friend request is a lot different than a real friendship.

Number 9: Don’t set a profile picture that you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see.

This is a very important one, because ones profile picture is the first thing that people see when they look someone up. Honestly, if I’m considering adding you, and your profile picture is of you holding a red plastic beer cup and whipping the finger, I’m probably going to think again. Particularly with the amount of parents, grandparents, etc. that are now on Facebook, I’m sure the last thing you want your mother to see is her son or daughter smoking a joint around a camp fire. This isn’t to say that everyone’s profile pic should be completely G rated, but seriously, I’d rather see you do a kegstand in real life than in a thumbnail picture.

Number 8: Don’t set a depressing status in the hopes of getting some attention

Statuses like this are just sad, and not sad in the sense of people feeling bad for you. I really don’t have a whole lot to say on the subject, other than crying for help on the internet is a terrible way to go about ones problems. If it’s really that bad, talk to someone, don’t wait for someone to ask you about it.

Number 7: Song lyric statuses are a good way to make people hate you

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen the status, “Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now,” I would be writing this from my summer home in Beverly Hills rather than in my bedroom in Pennsylvania. Come on people, I like the song “Forever” as much as the next guy, but you don’t see me telling everyone that “like a sprained ankle, boy, I ain’t nothin’ to play with.” Yeah, we all get it, you have an iTunes account and a gift card you got for your birthday, no need to share what you listen to with everyone else, because honestly, I couldn’t care less about seemingly deep song lyrics that vaguely apply to a situation in your life. And for the love of God, no more Bruno Mars!

Number 6: If someone doesn’t IM you back, there’s probably a good reason

I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks back, and when we came to the subject of Facebook, he told me about this girl that IMs him several times on a daily basis, only saying “Hey”, “Sup”, or “I’m bored”. Let’s be honest, Facebook may be a great place for existing friendships, but it’s a terrible place to meet new people, especially through the chat feature. If you are the person sending these unanswered messages, maybe it’s time to think about why no one wants to talk to you. Who knows, maybe it’s because you’re lonely, so you set depressing statuses all the time.

Number 5: Liking a comment is NOT an appropriate way to end a conversation

Again, I don’t have a whole lot to say on this one, other than that it’s extremely aggravating trying to have a conversation, and after your last comment, you get a little notification that says “John Stossle likes your comment”, and nothing comes afterward. At least have the decency to end the conversation with words, rather than simply liking a comment. It’s basic conversational etiquette.

Number 4: For the love of God, don’t add your parents as friends if you have something you don’t want them to see!

Remember earlier when I said not to set a profile pic you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see? Statuses can be equally as dangerous, but luckily, there is a simple remedy. I’m going to give all of you an insider secret… Are you ready? If you don’t want a family member to see something on Facebook that you really want to post, don’t accept their friend request. Woah, mindblowing stuff right there.

Number 3: Remember some basic philosophies when uploading pictures.

Number three on my list is actually three separates rules in one. It’s a rule within a rule within a rule, basically it’s the Inception of Facebook guidelines.

Rule 3A: Girls, if your picture is of you holding your cell phone up to a mirror, then well, there’s no hope for you.

Rule 3B: Guys, if your picture is of you holding your cell phone up to a mirror, then well, there’s no hope for you.

Rule 3C: Girls and Guys, if your picture is of you making out with your significant other, then well, there’s no hope for you.

Number 2: Facebook fights solve nothing, other than the boredom of the people outside of the fight.

Facebook fights, we’ve all seen them, and truthfully, they’re one of the biggest reasons why I still have Facebook today. Nothing is better than watching a fight unfold on the internet, there’s just something magical about it. I once saw a quote about internet altercations, and I think it’s one of the most painfully honest things I’ve ever read. It went something like this: “Fighting on the internet is a lot like competing in the Special Olympics, even if you win, you’re still retarded.” That pretty much says it all?

Number 1: NEVER under any circumstance leave your profile logged in at a friends house!

Here we are, the golden rule of Facebook: never allow anyone unmonitored access to your profile. Doing so is easily the best way possible to let the whole world know that not only do you “like” gay men, rainbows, and Richard Simmons, but you also are looking for some hot asians in the area. You may not have the desire to talk to that creepy kid in your math class, but rest assured, if you leave your profile logged in, “you” will surely have a lengthy, intimate conversation with that same kid. Not to mention, your profile picture will most likely be changed to one photoshopped of you offering small children candy in exchange for getting in your white van.

There you have it, ten of possibly the most important guidelines for Facebook you will ever read. Like I said earlier, Facebook is a great tool, so w   hy not use it in a way that will make it more friendly for everyone you interact with. Finally, and most importantly, I’ll leave you with this thought. Even though this didn’t make it into the rule, it doesn’t make it any less true: guys, when a girl likes your status, it does not mean she wants to hook up with you.

Pirates come into second half with winning record, optimism… No, really.

12 07 2011

Before I begin, just take a long, hard look at this screenshot taken from ESPN:

Screen shot 2011-07-11 at 11.23.25 AM

If someone had shown me this before the season started, I would have suspected a clever Photoshop job rather than a successful first half from the Buccos. It’s not that I don’t have faith in my beloved Pirates, but rather the fact that as I’m only 18, I haven’t really been around to see the Pirates succeed. Sure, I’ve seen my fair share of stars come through Pittsburgh, be it Brian Giles or Jason Bay, but honestly, none of them really had the wow factor that could lead the Bucs to the promised land. 2011, which may have seemed to be just another year of the losing tradition is proving to be something of a change, as the Pirates are entering the All Star break with a record of 47-43. Even more astounding than their 17 win differential from last season at the break is the fact that the Pirates are only one game out of first place in the NL Central, behind Milwaukee and St. Louis, who sport matching 49-43 records. Now, unlike in years past, people in Pittsburgh are becoming more and more excited about the Pirates, and this is reflected in the record setting crowds that have been gathering in PNC Park. Having a winning team after many long years seems to be doing wonders for the city of Pittsburgh.

What many Buccos fans are wondering is how exactly the Pirates made their remarkable turnaround. It’s hard to pinpoint one or two factors, but one of the biggest contributing factors has to be the addition of manager Clint Hurdle. The Pirates hired hurdle, a former first round pick of the Kansas City Royals, filling the spot left open by the seemingly apathetic John Russell. “We’re gonna win, and we’re gonna win now.” These words, coming from Hurdle, give the city of Pittsburgh something they haven’t had since the 90s… Hope. Hiring Clint Hurdle may actually have made a bigger difference than signing a high level player, as Hurdle provides the Pirates with postseason experience.

As much as having a solid manager helps, having an incredibly productive pitching staff helps tremendously as well. Coming into the All Star break, the Pirates have two pitchers with ERAs in the top ten in the National League. Jeff Karstens and Paul Maholm, who sport 2.55 and 2.96 ERAs respectively, as well as All Star Kevin Correia (who boasts 11 wins) anchor a solid pitching rotation. For many years, the words solid, pitching, and Pirates nearly never appeared in the same sentence, unless that sentence happened to be ” The Braves have a solid pitching staff, unlike the Pirates.” Even though the Pirates’ offense hasn’t exactly been hitting on all cylinders, the pitching has been keeping the games close nearly all season. Speaking of close games, there is hardly a better feeling in all of baseball than to know that going into the ninth inning knowing that you have a closer who is almost automatic. Joel Hanrahan, a first time All Star, has been lights out, closing out 26 games with blowing a single save. A feat which has never been matched by a Pirate. Hanrahan not only shattered Mike Gonzalez’s consecutive saves record, but also broke Mike Williams’ mark of 25 saves before the All Star break. “The Hammer”, as he is affectionately known, is quickly becoming a fan favorite in the Burgh, receiving massive Trevor Hoffman-esque ovations every time he enters a game.

Even as important as a reliable pitching staff is, without any run support, an admirable pitching performance means next to nothing (just ask Paul Maholm). The 2011 Pirates offense, though for the most part without Pedro Alvarez, Ryan Doumit, and Chris Snyder, has still been finding ways to score runs on a fairly consistent basis. Led by All Star Andrew McCutchen and hometown hero Neil Walker, the Bucs are putting runs on the board and giving their team a chance to win almost every night. McCutchen leads the offense with a respectable .291 average, along with 14 home runs 54 RBIs and 15 stolen bases. What some don’t realize is that Cutch’s offense has taken a dramatic upward burst since last season. In 88 games, McCutchen has two fewer RBIs than he did all of last season- in 154 games. The same goes for home runs, as Cutch hit 16 in all of 2010, and is on pace to hit nearly 30 in 2011. Also bolstering the Pirates’ offense is Neil Walker, who leads the team with 59 RBIs, a mere 7 short of his entire 2010 total. In addition to these two anchors, Pittsburgh farm hands Alex Presley and Chase d’Arnaud also have been getting in the action, hitting well in clutch situations ever since their recent call ups. Presley has especially been impressive, boasting a .365 BA through his first baker’s dozen of games.

As great as the first half has been for the Battling Buccos, the second half looks equally as promising. Not to jump the gun, but Pittsburgh takes on Houston coming out of the break, which provides them with a solid opportunity to get to a strong start to begin the second half of the season. It could also be argued that something else could happen in Pittsburgh for the first time in recent memory, the Pirates could be buyers at the trade deadline. Usually in Pittsburgh, July 31st is a day of hugs, handshakes, and farewells. 2011, however, could prove very different, seeing as the National League Central is most likely the most winnable division in all of baseball. A post yesterday on mlbtraderumors, one of my personal favorite websites, described some of the possible situations that the Pirates could pursue, if they decide to enter the trade market with the intentions of winning sooner rather than later. ( I personally feel as though the Pirates should pursue an offensive upgrade at first base, rather than anywhere else on the diamond. Third base, though weak now, could be easily remedied by the return of Pedro Alvarez, who has spent much of the season on the disabled list. Possibly suitors at first base are the Carlos Penas and Derek Lees of the world; power hitters who could also provide for decent defensive production. The key to making a smart move at the first base position would be to bring in an offensive upgrade over Lyle Overbay, without sacrificing much of his defensive prowess, which to be honest, isn’t always present. This is why I believe that Carlos Pena makes the most sense for the Pirates as he is a former Gold Glover, and provides plenty of pop in the lineup. Other than one or two moves, the Pirates would be best off to not disrupt the lineup much further. Matt Hague is an interesting 1B prospect who is currently raking at the AAA level, but management seems to not want to rush his journey to the majors, perhaps rightfully so. All in all, a trade seems more sensible when it comes to a first base upgrade.

When it all comes down to it, only time will tell how the 2011 season ends for the Pirates. Will it end up like all the others of the past 18 years in disappointment, or will the winning continue? Regardless of roster moves or potential trades, one thing is for sure: if the Pirates want to win the Central, they HAVE to beat the Brewers. There’s no dancing around the fact that over the last few years, the Pirates have simply not been able to figure out the Brew Crew. If the Pittsburgh/Milwaukee rivalry heats up, and Pittsburgh comes out on top, they certainly have an excellent chance to take the central and restore the winning tradition that used to be the pride and joy of the 412. With a core of sold, young players, as well as a seasoned manager, the Buccos of 2011 have as good a chance as any team to have a strong second half, and find their way to the promised land. At this point, I’m sure a lot of fans would be happy with a .500 season, but as for me, I’m a dreamer, and when I dream, I dream big. I want the Pirates to take the Central, I want a Pennant race in Pittsburgh, and I want a shiny new ring to go to every player on the Pirates. Is it likely, not really, with talented teams like the Phillies and Yankees out ther, but for once, I’m able to say that it’s possible, and for me, that’s something I’ve waited 18 long years to do.

Hey now, you’re an All Star

11 07 2011

With half of the 2011 MLB season already in the books, it is time once more for one of my favorite annual events, the MLB All Star game. The All Star game, of course is a time for Major League Baseball to showcase on a national stage all the brightest faces and talents there are to offer. It’s a very exciting time in which star players that get very little nation attention get the opportunity to play in front of an enormous audience.

In the weeks leading up to the game, there is never a shortage of controversy as so-called “snubs” seem to get more attention than those who actually make the team. This year was no different, as Atlanta Braves hurlers Craig Kimbrel and Tommy Hanson for some reason failed to make the team, even after the slew of injuries and dropouts. Though I would never hold it against a player to bow out of the All Star game for an injury, I find it hard to identify a bigger disgrace to the game than for a non-injured player to announce that he will not be attending one of baseball’s greatest honors. Every year is the same thing, “So-and-so will not be attending the All Star game” or “Joe Thirdbaseman has decided to rest, rather than play”. It’s a disgrace to the game itself, and more importantly, a major letdown to the fans who pay good money to watch the game, as well as give up their time to watch the game at home. It simply boggles my mind to think that even after being named one of baseball’s elite, ones ego could be big enough to decline. Does it not cross the mind of these so-called stars that there are many players that either due to ability or lack of popularity will never get the chance to play on an All Star team? I just can’t wrap my mind around the concept of taking such a great privilege for granted. If I were in such a situation, there is absolutely no way I would miss out, as long as I was physically capable. Even if I was injured, I would most definitely be at the game, because although the game does indeed count, the MLB All Star game is first and foremost a fan experience. The fans deserve as much respect as the players do, because without fans, there is no Major League Baseball, and certainly no hundred million dollar contracts either.

Brave new world

11 07 2011

Oh hello, I didn’t see you there. Congratulations, you’ve found my new blog! I guess the purpose of this blog is to articulate my thoughts into something somewhat productive, as well as motivate myself to write as much as possible. Rest assured, I intend to update this blog thingamajig as much as possible. If it ends up taking over my life, so be it. I plan on writing about anything and everything than comes into my mind, which hopefully will provide something interesting for all of you readers out there! (Yes, I realized that as of now, I have an estimated zero readers. I’d like to change that.) From this site, you can most likely expect updates on the Pittsburgh Pirates, as well as my thoughts and feelings about current events and what is going on in my own life. I’m as new as they come to blogging, (I signed up for this site like 20 minutes ago) and will probably be pretty slow to learn how this site works. If you actually read this and have any advice, constructive criticism, praise, or death threats, please feel free to email them to me, post on my twitter!/mattweaver87, or leave me some form of a comment. If you can do that on this website, I’m simply assuming that you can. We all know what happens when you assume, of course… You look like an idiot. Well, I believe this is where my very first post comes to an end. I’ll continue posting, and hopefully, someone other than myself will actually find this blog and read what I have to say.